Games of Daze
Infomagic - Games of Daze (Summer 1995) (Disc 1 of 2).iso
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Assembly Source File
213 lines
page ,132
; Module Name: READAXIS.ASM
; Assembly language routine for reading joystick axis position
; Created: Feb 17th, 1992
; Author: Peter Wan
; Copyright (c) 1992 Advanced Gravis Computer Technology Limited
; Public Functions:
; get_loop_count
; read_axis
; Public Data:
; None
; General Description:
; This module contains functions to initialize itself and return
; joystick axis position.
.model small
; Port address
GAMEPORT equ 201h ;gameport address
TIMER0 equ 40h ;8253 counter timer channel 0 address
TIMER_CONTROL equ 43h ;counter timer control register address
max_loop_count dw ? ;loop count for 3 milliseconds
; get_loop_count
; The purpose of this routine is to determine how many iteration of the
; following instruction loop can be accomplished in 3 milliseconds. The number
; of iteration count will be different on computers running at different speed
; or computers with different processing unit. In the read joystick axis
; routine, it uses a similar program loop to determine joystick axis position
; and the count results from this routine will be used to limit axis read time
; up to 3 millesecond maximum. This routine must be called once at
; initialization time.
; Entry:
; None
; Returns:
; None
; Error Returns:
; None
; Registers Preserved:
; Registers Destroyed:
; Calls:
; None
public _get_loop_count
_get_loop_count proc
init_count equ <[bp-2]>
push bp
mov bp,sp
sub sp,2 ;2 bytes of local variable
mov max_loop_count,0;use loop count of 16 to start with
mov dx,GAMEPORT ;gameport address
mov ax,0ff00h
add max_loop_count,16
mov cx,max_loop_count
cli ;system interrupt must be disabled
out TIMER_CONTROL,al;latch count in timer 0
jmp short $+2
in al,TIMER0 ;read low byte of latched count
mov init_count,al ;save
jmp short $+2
in al,TIMER0 ;read high byte
mov init_count+1,al ;save
out dx,al ;trigger gameport
in al,dx ;delay to allow gameport to switch on
glc4: ;the following loop exits only when CX
;reaches zero
in al,dx
or al,ah
loopnz glc4
mov ax,0
jnz $+2
out TIMER_CONTROL,al;latch count in timer 0
sti ;enable system interrupt
jmp short $+2
in al,TIMER0 ;read low byte of latched count
mov ah,al
jmp short $+2
in al,TIMER0 ;read high byte
xchg al,ah
sub ax,init_count ;subtract count latched before
;entering loop by count just read
neg ax
cmp ax,7160 ;has it exceed 3 milliseconds?
jl glc3 ;no, increment loop count by 16 and
;repeat process
mov sp,bp
pop bp
_get_loop_count endp
; _read_axis
; This routine will accept a number from 0 to 3 for returning joystick axis
; position for joystick A-X, A-Y, B-X, B-Y respectively. After bit position
; of requested axis is determined, count reading in counter timer chip channel 0
; will be read and saved. A write cycle to gameport address 201 hex will
; trigger and toggle all four axis lines from low to high state. The duration
; of these individual line staying high is directly proportional to the
; position of joystick for the individual axis. After the requested axis line
; has returned to the low state, count reading in counter timer chip will be
; read again. The real time count of the duration the requested axis has stayed
; high can be obtained from the difference of the two counts read. Allowance
; for other axis to return to low state must also be provided before next read.
; Therefore, return to calling function can only be done at the end of the
; 3 milliseconds duration. The real time count return to the callind function
; can have a value ranges from 1 to maximum of 7160 depending on the position
; of the joystick, value of capacitors used and threshold voltage set
; on the gamecard. If the requested axis has not returned to the low state
; after 3 milliseconds, it is assumed that no joystick is connected to that
; axis and zero will be returned to the calling function. During the
; 3 milliseconds duration, all interrupts except NMI will be disabled.
; Entry:
; [bp+4] = Axis to be read
; 0 = Joystick A - X axis
; 1 = Joystick A - Y axis
; 2 = Joystick B - X axis
; 3 = Joystick B - Y axis
; Returns:
; AX = Count ranges from 1 to maximun of 7160 corresponds to joystick
; position
; Error Returns:
; AX = 0 if no joystick connected
; Registers Preserved:
; Registers Destroyed:
; Calls:
; None
public _read_axis
_read_axis proc
axis equ <[bp+4]>
init_count equ <[bp-2]>
push bp
mov bp,sp
sub sp,2 ;2 bytes of local variable
sub ax,ax ;determine bit position of axis to be
mov ah,1 ;read
mov cx,axis
shl ah,cl
mov cx,max_loop_count;use 3 milliseconds loop count obtian
;at initailization
mov dx,GAMEPORT ;gameport address
cli ;disable interrupt
out TIMER_CONTROL,al;latch count in timer 0
jmp short $+2
in al,TIMER0 ;read low byte of latched count
mov init_count,al ;save
jmp short $+2
in al,TIMER0 ;read high byte
mov init_count+1,al ;save
out dx,al ;trigger gameport
in al,dx ;delay to allow gameport to switch on
in al,dx ;read gameport
test al,ah ;requested axis return to low state or
;3 milliseconds passed?
loopnz ra1 ;no
mov ax,0 ;return 0 if 3 milliseconds passed and
jnz ra3 ;requested axis not yet in low state
out TIMER_CONTROL,al;requested axis return to low state
;latch count in timer 0
jmp short $+2
in al,TIMER0 ;read low byte of latched count
mov ah,al
jmp short $+2
in al,TIMER0 ;read high byte
xchg al,ah
sub ax,init_count ;obtain real time count of high state
neg ax ;duration
jcxz ra3 ;requested axis return to low state in
;exactly 3 milliseconds, all other axis
;should also have returned to low state
;by now
push ax ;even though the requested axis has
mov ah,0ffh ;returned to the low state, other axis
ra2: ;may still be in the high state, we
in al,dx ;should wait till the end of the
or al,ah ;3 milliseconds duration to allow the
loopnz ra2 ;other axis to return to high state
pop ax ;before returning to the calling
sti ;enable system interrupt
mov sp,bp
pop bp
_read_axis endp